First things First - An introduction and explanation

Hello everyone, my name is Keelan Murtagh and I am the one behind Marketing for Good. This company has been a long time in the making as I have known since mid-highschool that I wanted to open my own marketing consulting firm.
After graduating from a three year Business Administration diploma program (with a Marketing Specialty of course) from Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough Ontario, I began employment immediately in the marketing field with a Toronto firm called Consumer Impact Marketing. There, my goals included increasing client presence in "C-Channel" stores through promotion and negotiation. Using that as a springboard to a larger market - Ottawa - I began marketing commercial real estated with the city's largest independant broker - Metro Suburban Realty. Learning high stakes sales from the best (not to mention, truly wonderful people) I also discovered that surviving on 100% commission at the tender age of 22 was more stress than I was looking for.
It was around that time when I learned how to snowboard and became hooked on the snow industry. So I moved to British Columbia to pursue a 'dream' despite my lack of experience in the mountains. (I had never been to BC before, never seen a mountain bigger than the ones in Vermont. I was a true rookie! But I also knew it was the right move.)
Landing in Invermere BC and working for Panorama Mountain Village, I started at the Guest Services desk and worked my way up to the Sales and Marketing Coordinator position. This was a great gig where I worked on securing radio and newspaper presence in Alberta with a small budget. I also set up media purchasing schedules and provided market research as needed. Sadly, my bubble burst when I was told that the immense forest fires of 2003, SARS, West Nile and a few other calamities combined to produce a 40% drop in revenue. Therefore the newest member of the markteing team was the first to be let go.
Knowing that life did not end with Intrawest, I decided to move to Rossland and secure a marketing position with Red Resort. I have worked in the marketing dept. for the past three winters producing special promotions, advertising, in-house material, event management and a bunch of other good stuff. As I only work for them in the winter, the summers are mine to use as I will. This is where Marketing for Good has come from. Locally, I have helped;
Tech Villagewith a membership drive, helped develop and originate Community Futures of Greater Trail hugely successful "Best in Business" contest, gain web presence and a boost in sales through a targeted marketing effort, and developed the following sites,, (to be launched in collaboration with Tech Village), (will be launched by Aug. 1).
I will also mention that I have completed 75% of Selkirk Colleges Internet Business Technologies program and will graduate by this Christmas. This has been a supremely helpful course in learning about current e-marketing and web designing techniques. My prof Sharron Swan is well regarded in the industry and works on cutting edge projects on her own time. Everyone who meets her always expresses high praise about her knowledge and demeanor, she is a credit to Selkirk College.
You will notice that my website Marketing for Good uses verbage that purports the existance of multiple people working at the firm. E.g., OC Design (an only child who is responsible for the graphic design, web development and advertising portion of the company) and the Word Doctor (a professional writer responsible for content creation and copy management). Well... as a forward thinking individual, I have structured my company for future growth. I anticipate steadily increasing successes, as such, my goal is to employ local artists for the graphic design and web portion of my business so I may focus on message delivery and the execution stages of marketing my clients campaigns. For now, all those people are me, an only child with a vivid imagination and twisted perception (in a good way). :)
Check out my site and discover what I can do for your business. Which is increase your bottom line with successful low-cost marketing solutions. What's good for marketing is Marketing for Good.
As always, if you have a comment please feel free to post it on my blog or contact me directly at (you don't need to sign in to post a message)